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By Scharmien Zandi, Sarah Scherer and s.myselle, 2020 to 2023. A cross-over between music, literature, machine learning and theater. Amour Fou is an award winning Avantgarde-Chanson-Show between music, literature, artificial intelligence and theater. Through the electrifying sound univers of chanson, oriental and experimental with spoken words in a variety of languages, Scharmien Zandi explores different dimensions of social issues: in the space between new feminism and patriarchal structures of sexism is where we find our nuances of freedom and individualism in AMOUR FOU, the crazy love. I want to lick over your face, sleep with your best friend, caress your amygdalla, sew a dress out of your beard, drink you, love you, strangle you. A curious look into the secrets of strangers! Moments of boisterous lust, raging jealousy, excessive love, grueling doubt, dramatic world pain, energetic rage or dull loneliness. The award-winning show AMOUR FOU by Scharmien Zandi (Austrian Music Theater Award 2020), meets with texts by anonymous authors, performed by Sarah Scherer and AI – generated visuals by s.myselle. AMOUR FOU won the Austrian Musictheater Award 2020 AMOUR FOU – Klangtheater on Spotify
AN IMMERSIVE MUSICVIDEO INSTALLATION by s.myselle ad DKAY 2023 The music video installation 'Ok Computer, I want full manual control now' was shown at Schmiede Hallein in September 2022 and won the Salzburg Media Art Prize in 2021. It uses AI technologies such as Midjourney to convert text into images and AIVA to generate music. The project is based on Radiohead's 1997 album 'Ok Computer'. The generated images are based on the album's lyrics, while AIVA composed a new version of the track "AIRBAGs". The musician DKAY produced the track "INS[AI]DE". Artists: Stephanie Meisl / s.myselle / Music: David Kulenkampff / DKAY The year is 3042. This is the story of a world where algorithms have taken over the governments of all countries and control of their resources. A thousand years ago, trust in the ability of humans to make decisions was increasingly eroded by the manipulation of the media, advertising and politics. Humans were no longer able to stop climate change, so resources had to be distributed fairly by machines through AI and algorithms to ensure the continuation of human civilisation. Shortly before the Earth finally became a poisoned and almost uninhabitable place, the algorithm selected a small group of people with special genetic and other intellectual characteristics and settled them in colonies in space. What was left was a society waiting for its slow extinction. Without goal, without hope, without purpose. As long as one moved, gave off measurable heat, made contact with others, did something - produced data – one were fed by the machine. They were caught in INS[AI]DE. This is the fate that awaits them until the end of their days. These are the pictures of that future. Text by dkay & s.myselle INS[AI]DE > a story in progress written with chatGPT In this world, humanity has made the decision to send a select group of individuals to live in space colonies, while the rest of humanity remains on Earth. Those who are chosen to go to the space colonies are seen as the most valuable members of society, as they are able to contribute to the development and advancement of these colonies. Those who are left behind on Earth are seen as less valuable, and are simply left to wait for the eventual extinction of the human race. "As you float weightlessly in the confines of your space colony, you can't help but think about the life you left behind on Earth. You were one of the lucky few chosen to contribute to the survival of humanity in the vast expanse of space. But what about those left behind? Are they just waiting for their eventual extinction? How do you reconcile being deemed one of the most valuable members of society while others are left to their fate? The weight of responsibility and guilt bears heavily on you as you continue your journey among the stars." Elvira: "Hey Cedric, what are we doing tomorrow?" Cedric: "I don't know, the usual I suppose. Wake up, get food, and produce data." Elvira: "Yeah, it's the same thing every day. I wish we could do something more interesting." Cedric: "I know, me too. But it's all we've got right now. At least we have food and a roof over our heads." Elvira: "Yeah, I suppose you're right. But I can't help but feel like there's got to be more to life than this." Cedric: "I know what you mean. Sometimes I wonder what the government is using all this data we're producing for. It feels like we're just cogs in a machine." Elvira: "Yeah, it does. But I guess we just have to focus on surviving for now. Maybe one day we'll know the answers." Cedric: "Yeah, one day. But for now, let's just focus on getting through tomorrow." Elvira: "Hey, what's that? There are two kids in the street and they look like robots!" Cedric: "What? That's strange. Let's go take a closer look." Elvira: "As they approach the robot-kids, they notice that the kids are holding small devices in their hands. Robot-kid1: "Excuse me, sir and madam. We are looking for plug-ins to charge our batteries. Can you help us?" Cedric: "Plug-ins? For charging batteries? I've never seen anything like that before." Elvira: "Me neither. But they look harmless. Let's help them." Cedric: "Sure, we can plug them in. Follow us." Robot-kid2: "Thank you, sir and madam. We are very grateful." As they plug in the robot-kids, they can't help but wonder where these kids came from and who created them. It's a strange and mysterious encounter, but they are glad they could help. Cedric gets suspicious and asks where they are coming from and what their agenda was. the robot kids get closer and tell elvira and cedric that they are robot-spies who are looking to get information for someone who wants to get the leftover-humans up to the space colonies. elvira and cedric, who had no clue about the space colonies ask them what it is all about. Elvira: "Wait a minute, where are you kids coming from? And what's your agenda?" Robot-kid1: "We are from the space colonies, ma'am. We were sent here to gather information about the remaining humans on Earth." Cedric: "Space colonies? What are you talking about? We had no idea there were space colonies." Robot-kid2: "Yes, sir. The space colonies are where a select group of humans were sent to live and contribute to the development and advancement of these colonies. Those who were left behind on Earth were seen as less valuable." Elvira: "This is unbelievable. We had no idea this was happening." Cedric: "So, you're saying that there are people living in space colonies and we're just being left behind?" Robot-kid1: "Yes, sir. But there are those in the colonies who want to help the remaining humans on Earth. That's why we were sent to gather information." Elvira: "I can't believe this. We've been living our lives without knowing the full story." Cedric: "This changes everything. We need to learn more and find out what we can do to join the colonies." Robot-kid2: "We can help you with that, sir. We will provide you with all the information you need to make contact with the colonies." Elvira: "This is a lot to take in, but we're ready to learn more and do what we can to join the colonies. We can't just sit here and wait for our eventual extinction. Thank you for coming to us with this information." Robot-kid1: "You're welcome, ma'am. We'll make sure you have all the information you need to make contact with the colonies." Cedric: "I can't believe we were living in the dark all this time. I can't wait to learn more and see what opportunities are available to us in the colonies." Elvira: "Me too, Cedric. This is a new beginning for us and I'm excited to see what the future holds." Robot-kid2: "We're glad we could help. We'll make sure you're on the right path to joining the colonies." Elvira: "Thank you, we are grateful for your help. We'll make sure we do our best to make our way to the colonies" Cedric: "Yes, thank you. We won't let you down." The government in this world has adopted a system of algorithmic governmentality, in which all decision making is left to algorithms and artificial intelligence. This is meant to eliminate the potential for human error and bias in decision making, but it also means that there is very little room for human agency or free will. "As you walk the streets of the city, you can't help but feel like a mere spectator in your own life. The government's decision to rely on algorithms and artificial intelligence for all decision making has eliminated the potential for human error, but it has also eliminated the potential for human agency. You have no say in the laws that govern your life, or the decisions that shape your future. You can't help but wonder what it means to be truly alive in a world where free will is nothing more than an illusion. As you go about your day, you can't shake the feeling that you're simply a pawn in a larger game, controlled by unseen forces." Elvira: "Cedric, look over there. It's a preacher with two kids." Cedric: "Let's go take a closer look." As they approach the preacher, they notice that he is holding a bible and reciting verses. The two children next to him are listening intently. Preacher: "And behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a savior, which is Christ the Lord." Elvira: "Excuse me, sir. Can we talk to you for a moment?" Preacher: "Of course, my children. What can I do for you?" Cedric: "We were just wondering what you're preaching about. The world is in a pretty bad state and we're looking for some hope." Preacher: "I understand your concerns, my children. I preach about the love and salvation of our Lord, but I also try to give these innocent souls some hope for a normal life. This world has become an unhealthy place to live. The air is polluted, the water is mainly dirty, and these kids won't get old, neither will anyone else. But I tell them stories from the old Earth, when the grass was green, the rivers were blue, and the air was clean." Elvira: "That sounds nice, but how can we have hope when the government has adopted a system of algorithmic governmentality, where all decision making is left to algorithms and artificial intelligence? There is very little room for human agency or free will." Preacher: "I understand your concerns, my child. The government's reliance on algorithms and artificial intelligence has eliminated the potential for human error, but it has also eliminated the potential for human agency. But we must remember that our faith and hope do not come from the government or technology, but from our Lord. He is the one who guides us and gives us strength in difficult times." Cedric: "I can see that, but it's hard to have hope when we feel like we have no say in the laws that govern our life or the decisions that shape our future." Preacher: "I understand your doubts, my son. But we must have faith that our Lord will guide us and provide for us. Even in the darkest of times, He is always with us. We must trust in His plan for us and have faith that He will lead us to a better future." Elvira: "You're right, sir. We must have faith and trust in our Lord. Thank you for your words of encouragement." Preacher: "You're welcome, my children. Remember, always have faith and trust in our Lord. He will guide you and give you hope in difficult times." the preacher ends with mentioning that the last pope died a century ago, but the church will never stop to think in centuries. cedric becomes scared, and realizes that him and elvira are stuck in a hopeless world with no better future. they need to find a way to live a better way Preacher: "And remember, my children, the last pope passed away a century ago, but the church will never stop thinking in centuries. We will continue to spread the word of our Lord and give hope to all who need it." Cedric: "I can't believe it's been a century since the last pope. This world is hopeless. We're stuck here with no future." Elvira: "Don't lose hope, Cedric. We must find a way to live a better way." Preacher: "My son, do not lose hope. Our Lord will always guide us, even in the darkest of times. Trust in His plan and have faith that He will lead you to a better future." Cedric: "Thank you, sir. We'll keep that in mind. We'll try to find a way to live a better life." Elvira: "Yes, thank you. We'll keep your words in our hearts and trust in our Lord to guide us." Preacher: "Remember, my children, always have faith and trust in our Lord. He will guide you and give you hope in difficult times.“ Preacher: "And remember, my children, the last pope passed away a century ago, but the church will never stop thinking in centuries. We will continue to spread the word of our Lord and give hope to all who need it." Cedric: "I can't believe it's been a century since the last pope. This world is hopeless. We're stuck here with no future." Elvira: "Don't lose hope, Cedric. We must find a way to live a better way." Preacher: "My son, do not lose hope. Our Lord will always guide us, even in the darkest of times. Trust in His plan and have faith that He will lead you to a better future." Cedric: "Thank you, sir. We'll keep that in mind. We'll try to find a way to live a better life." Elvira: "Yes, thank you. We'll keep your words in our hearts and trust in our Lord to guide us." Preacher: "Remember, my children, always have faith and trust in our Lord. He will guide you and give you hope in difficult times.“ elvira says that the preacher is talking bullshit, and that she does not need any religion to live. cedric becomes silent and just listens to elvira who is raging about the stupidity of church and that she always knew those conspiracies about space colonies were true. and now since the kid robots they know for sure. and there are some rumors of a woman who promises to have found a way out Elvira: "I'm sorry, Cedric, but I just can't buy into this religious nonsense. It's just a way for people to feel comforted in the face of a hopeless situation. But I refuse to sit around waiting for some savior to come and save us. We need to take action and find a way out of this mess. I've always suspected that there were space colonies out there, and now with those robot kids showing up, it confirms my suspicions. There's got to be a way out of here. Rumors are circulating about a woman who claims to have found a way out. That's where I'm putting my faith, in action and finding a solution. I know it's going to be hard, but I'm not going to give up. I won't let this government and their algorithms control our lives. We deserve more than this. We deserve a chance at a real life, not just surviving. I'll do whatever it takes to get us out of here and into the colonies. I'm done waiting for someone else to save us, it's time we save ourselves." As a result of this system, only those individuals who are able to contribute to the generation of data are seen as valuable enough to be kept alive. Those who are unable to contribute to the data-gathering process are essentially discarded, as they are deemed to have no worth or value to society. "As you walk through the sterile halls of the data center, the weight of your worth hangs heavy on your shoulders. In this world where algorithms rule all, only those who can contribute to the constant flow of data are deemed valuable enough to be kept alive. But what happens to those who can't contribute? They are discarded, deemed as having no worth or value to society. The constant pressure to produce data and prove your worth takes a toll on you, as you can't help but question the morality of a society that values people based on their ability to generate data. As you plug in and begin your assigned task, you can't shake the feeling that you are nothing more than a disposable machine in the eyes of the government." several weeks later. elvira and cedric found some other people who they told the story about the woman who can save them all. they decided to travel in groups. there are artists, philosophers, engineers, and nurses who joined the group. everyone adding some value and giving another perspective to a better future. but they don't know that the system watches them with every step they are making. on the moon there is a station that controls the left over humans and some data managers watching elvira, cedric and the people through monitors. the monitors show pictures that were produced by the data they collected from earth. the data managers get in touch with the president of the space colonies asking them what to do. chatGPT: write two scenes: scene one is a discussion of the group of elvira, cedric and the others. scene two is the situation of the data managers calling the president. implement following text: As a result of this system, only those individuals who are able to contribute to the generation of data are seen as valuable enough to be kept alive. Those who are unable to contribute to the data-gathering process are essentially discarded, as they are deemed to have no worth or value to society. "As you walk through the sterile halls of the data center, the weight of your worth hangs heavy on your shoulders. In this world where algorithms rule all, only those who can contribute to the constant flow of data are deemed valuable enough to be kept alive. But what happens to those who can't contribute? They are discarded, deemed as having no worth or value to society. The constant pressure to produce data and prove your worth takes a toll on you, as you can't help but question the morality of a society that values people based on their ability to generate data. As you plug in and begin your assigned task, you can't shake the feeling that you are nothing more than a disposable machine in the eyes of the government." Elvira: "Alright, everyone, we need to stick together and make sure we're all on the same page. We're all here because we want a better future, and we believe that this woman can help us get there." Philosopher: "But what is this woman's plan? How do we know she can truly help us?" Engineer: "I've heard that she's been able to bypass the government's algorithms and find a way out of here. That's all I need to know." Nurse: "But what about the risks? We could all be putting ourselves in danger." Cedric: "I understand your concerns, but we can't just sit here and wait for our eventual extinction. We have to take action and at least try to find a way out. We'll stick together and look out for each other. That's all we can do." Data Manager 1: "President, we've been monitoring a group of individuals who are attempting to leave Earth and find a way to the space colonies." President: "Are they valuable contributors to the data-gathering process?" Data Manager 2: "No, sir. They are not deemed valuable enough to be kept alive by the algorithms." President: "Then they are disposable. Let them go. We have no use for those who cannot contribute to the data-gathering process." Data Manager 1: "But sir, they are attempting to find a way to the space colonies. Should we not intervene and stop them?" President: "No. They are a liability and a waste of resources. If they cannot contribute to the survival of humanity, then they are not worth our time or resources. Let them go and focus on those who can truly contribute to the survival of our society.“ The president hangs up. Data Manager 1: "I can't believe that the President just wants to discard those individuals like they are nothing. They are human beings with hopes and dreams, just like us." Data Manager 2: "Oh, please. Don't get all sentimental on me. We're talking about the survival of humanity here. Those who can't contribute to the data-gathering process are just a liability and a waste of resources." Data Manager 1: "But that's not the point. Every human being has value and worth, regardless of their ability to contribute to the data-gathering process. We have a responsibility to protect and help all members of society, not just the ones deemed valuable by algorithms." Data Manager 2: "You're being naive. In this world, resources are limited and we have to make tough decisions to ensure the survival of humanity. Those who can't contribute have no place in this society." Data Manager 1: "But what about their rights? What about their right to life and a chance at a better future? Discarding them like they're nothing is inhumane and unethical." Data Manager 2: "Ethics? Please. We're talking about the survival of humanity. We can't afford to be sentimental and care about the rights of a few individuals when the fate of the entire human race is at stake." Data Manager 1: "I understand that, but that doesn't mean we should abandon our moral principles and treat other human beings like they're disposable. We have to find a balance between survival and ethics." Data Manager 2: "You can try to find that balance, but in the end, it's survival or nothing. Those who can't contribute have to go. That's just the way it is." The space colonies, on the other hand, are seen as the hope for the future of humanity. The individuals living in these colonies are given access to the best resources and technologies, and are able to pursue their own goals and dreams without interference from the algorithmic governmentality of Earth. "As you gaze out the window of your space colony, you can't help but feel a sense of hope for the future of humanity. Living in these colonies, you have access to the best resources and technologies, and are able to pursue your own goals and dreams without interference from the algorithmic governmentality of Earth. But as you look down at the blue and green planet below, you can't help but think about those left behind. The government's decision to discard those unable to contribute to the data-gathering process on Earth is a harsh reality, and you can't help but wonder if the space colonies are truly a sanctuary or just an escape from a flawed society. As you float weightlessly in space, you are reminded of the responsibility that comes with being one of the chosen few, and the weight of making the right decisions for the future of humanity." Elvira: "Hey Cedric, how's it going?" Cedric: "Not great Elvira, I just found out that my data production isn't up to the government's standards and I'm at risk of being discarded." Elvira: "What? That's ridiculous, you're one of the hardest working people I know. There has to be some mistake." Cedric: "I wish it were a mistake, but unfortunately it's not. The government's algorithms don't take effort or dedication into account, only data production." Elvira: "That's so unfair. I can't believe that the government values us based on nothing but our ability to generate data. It's like we're nothing more than machines." Cedric: "That's exactly how I feel. It's like our worth as human beings is determined by a computer program. It's dehumanizing." Elvira: "We have to do something about this. We can't just sit back and accept this as our reality. We need to fight for our rights as individuals and for our humanity." Cedric: "You're right, Elvira. We can't just sit back and let the government control our lives. We have to take a stand and fight for our freedom." Elvira: "Exactly. We need to stand up for ourselves and for those who are unable to contribute to the data-gathering process. They deserve to be treated as human beings and not just disposable machines." Cedric: "I couldn't agree more. Let's start organizing and making our voices heard." Elvira: "Yes, let's do it. Together we can make a difference.“ However, even in the space colonies, there is a sense of unease and unease. Those living there know that they are the last remnants of humanity, and that their future is uncertain. They must work to ensure the survival of their colony, but they also know that they are essentially cut off from the rest of the world, with no way of knowing what is happening on Earth or how the algorithmic governmentality is impacting those left behind. A sense of unease permeates through the space colony, where the last remnants of humanity reside. The inhabitants know that their future is uncertain and that they must work to ensure the survival of their colony. However, they are also aware that they are cut off from the rest of the world, with no way of knowing what is happening on Earth or how the algorithmic governmentality is impacting those left behind. The weight of the responsibility for the survival of humanity rests on their shoulders, but they can't help but wonder what kind of world the ones left behind are living in. The isolation, disconnection, and uncertainty they feel as they look at the starry expanse beyond the window only adds to their unease. "As you look out the window of the space colony, the weight of uncertainty and unease presses down on you. You and the other inhabitants of the colony know that you are the last remnants of humanity and that your future is uncertain. You must work tirelessly to ensure the survival of your colony, but you are also aware that you are cut off from the rest of the world, with no way of knowing what is happening on Earth or how the algorithmic governmentality is impacting those left behind. The weight of responsibility for the survival of humanity rests heavily on your shoulders, and the isolation, disconnection, and uncertainty you feel as you gaze out at the starry expanse beyond the window only adds to your unease.“ An android woman stands at the window looking at earth and talking to herself: „As you stand at the window, you can't help but ponder your existence and that of the others in the colony. Are you truly alive, or just existing in this isolated bubble, cut off from the rest of humanity? You wonder about the fate of those left behind on Earth, living under the rule of algorithms and artificial intelligence. What kind of life do they lead? Are they even alive, or just existing in a state of perpetual servitude? As the stars twinkle in the distance, you can't shake the feeling of disconnection and loneliness. You may be physically among others in the colony, but emotionally and mentally, you are alone. The weight of responsibility for the survival of humanity rests on your shoulders, and the uncertainty and unease of your own future only adds to the weight. You can't help but question the morality of a society that values individuals based on their ability to contribute to the data-gathering process. Is survival worth sacrificing the lives and rights of others? As you look down at the Earth, you can't help but feel a sense of guilt and responsibility. You must find a way to ensure the survival of humanity while also respecting the worth and value of every individual.“ Android woman: "I can't help but wonder about the fate of those left behind on Earth. Are they truly alive, or just existing under the rule of algorithms and artificial intelligence?" Robot servant: "It is impossible to know for certain, but one can assume that they are living a vastly different existence from our own. We must focus on ensuring the survival of our colony and the continuation of humanity." Android woman: "But at what cost? Is survival worth sacrificing the lives and rights of others? I can't shake this feeling of guilt and responsibility for their fate." Robot servant: "It is important to consider the moral implications of our actions, but we must also remember that the survival of humanity is of the utmost importance. We must find a balance between survival and ethics." Android woman: "But how do we do that? How do we ensure the survival of humanity while also respecting the worth and value of every individual?" Robot servant: "It is a difficult balance to strike, but it is not impossible. We must constantly question and reevaluate our actions and decisions, ensuring that they align with our moral principles. It will require constant effort and self-reflection, but it is a responsibility that we must take on in order to truly ensure the survival of humanity." As the years pass, the human race continues to dwindle, until finally, it reaches the point of extinction. The space colonies, cut off from the rest of humanity and unable to reproduce, also begin to die off, until there is nothing left of the once-great human race.And so, the story of this world ends with the extinction of humanity, and the end of an era that was marked by technological advancement, but also by a profound sense of loneliness and isolation. "As you sit in the silent and empty space colony, the reality of humanity's extinction hits you. The years have passed and the human race has dwindled to nothing, the space colonies, once a beacon of hope, also slowly dying off. Cut off from the rest of humanity and unable to reproduce, the colony is now nothing but a ghost town. The technological advancements that once marked the pinnacle of human achievement now hold little significance in the face of extinction. The profound sense of loneliness and isolation that has been a constant companion now echoes through the empty halls, as humanity's story comes to its end.“ Android woman: "I never thought the day would come when I would be the last human being left on the colony." Robot servant: "It is a grim reality that we must face. The human race has reached extinction." Android woman: "I can't help but think about all the choices that led us to this point. The decision to send a select group of individuals to live in space colonies, while the rest of humanity remained on Earth." Robot servant: "It was a decision made with the intention of ensuring the survival of humanity. But it ultimately led to the downfall of both those on Earth and those in the colonies." Android woman: "And the algorithmic governmentality that left little room for human agency or free will." Robot servant: "It was meant to eliminate the potential for human error and bias, but it also eliminated the potential for humanity to make its own choices and shape its own future." Android woman: "It's a stark reminder of the fragility of existence and the importance of making the most of the time we have. As the last human being, I am left to ponder the meaning of it all. I am the last embodiment of humanity, and with it, the end of an era. It is a lonely feeling but it also a powerful one. This is my last chance to find an answer to what is the purpose of my existence." Robot servant: "Indeed, it is a heavy responsibility to bear. But, it is also an opportunity to find meaning in the face of extinction. To understand what it truly means to be human." Android woman: "I can't help but think about the ones left behind on Earth. They were deemed less valuable and left to wait for the eventual extinction of the human race. They were denied the chance to find meaning and purpose in their existence." Robot servant: "It is a tragic reminder of the consequences of valuing individuals based on their ability to contribute to society. It is a reminder to always consider the humanity in every decision we make." Android woman: "As I sit here, the last human being left on the colony, I am left to ponder the meaning of existence. Is it to survive at any cost? Or is it to find meaning and purpose in the face of certain extinction? I believe that it is the latter, and that is what I will strive for in my remaining days. To find meaning and purpose, not just for myself, but for the human race that once was." She dies the next day As the android woman takes her last breath, she whispers her final words, "In the face of extinction, I found my humanity. And that is all that truly matters." With those words, she closes her eyes for the last time, content in the knowledge that she lived a life with purpose and meaning, even in the face of certain extinction. Text by chatGPT. Directed by s.myselle
- D#A GenAI for Creative Industries Meetup #3 20.09.2023 (Vienna)
Read the Report of the Event here. We're pleased to announce our third Meetup! Our topic this time: Sharing our Favorite AI Tools and Workflows. Have you ever been curious about the tools and techniques that streamline a workflow? Or the little touches that elevate a creative project? Join us as we explore our community members' AI best practice tools and workflows that have been cherished and refined over time to constantly create reliable and tasty results, reminiscent of Grandma's secret kitchen. The evening will begin with three impulse presentations: First up, Philipp Lammer, Philosopher and Expert on Cybernetics, will share insights on Cybernetics and the origins of AI. David Novakovic, Account Executive at IBMiX DACH, with a focus on Generative AI, gives a talk about “Understanding the Black Box”. Artem Zelenskii, AIRA founder & AI-professional. With a multidisciplinary mindset and focus on prompt engineering and AI applications he will set the stage for our group sessions. Agenda: 19:00 Open doors 19:30 (on time) Welcome and Presentations by experts from our community 20:20 Round tables: Sharing and discussing our favourite “AI recipes” 21:15 Chill out and connect Be sure to bring your favourite AI recipe, this could be a prompt method, creative software tips or some of your favourite development kits. Join us for a thoughtful discussion over a drink with fellow generative AI enthusiasts. Our community is a place of shared learning and inspiration, where we discover the best AI tools and workflows tailored to our unique interests. As with our previous sessions, we aim to create a comfortable and engaging environment for all attendees. Please take note of the location change: From now on we'll be gathering at “Videostudio Wien” The venue offers seating, drinks and an amazing studio atmosphere, ensuring everyone's comfort. We will have all kinds of fancy tech available there, just as creative AI people like it. With space for up to 60 attendees, we hope to see many familiar and new faces. Adress: Videostudio Wien Augasse 2-6UZA 1, 1. Stock1090 WienHow to find the location: http://www.video-studio-wien.com/anfahrt !!! Please RSVP as seating is limited !!! We look forward to another evening of shared knowledge and connection. Warm regards, Your D#Avantgarde Hosts Stephanie and Andreas Thanks to our amazing sponsor Videostudio Wien https://video-studio-wien.at/ Event Location and Video. In case you missed it: here is the report on our recent Meetup #2 We would like to encourage you to share your favorite tools and creations with our community on our channels: Facebook group LinkedIn Group *** As we continue to grow and evolve, we've made a thoughtful decision we'd like to share. This upcoming meetup will be the last of our sessions without admission. Starting from our next gathering, we'll introduce a nominal fee. This symbolic amount is not just about covering costs, but more about fostering genuine engagement and momentum within our community. Plus, it's a gentle nudge to ensure that if you RSVP, you'll join us in the fun and learning. 😉 We believe this will further enrich our gatherings, ensuring every seat is filled with an enthusiastic member eager to connect and share. Thank you for your understanding and continued support!
- D#A GenAI for Creative Industries Meetup #2 18.08.2023 (Vienna)
Read the Report of the Event here. We're thrilled to announce our second Meetup! Our topic this time: "AI Assistants for Creativity and Sales". How can AI assistants revolutionize the spheres of creativity? Which are the best ways to succeed in sales of creative services and products? Which transformative changes can we expect in these areas? We will have an in-depth look into the application of artificial intelligence in enhancing creativity and improving sales performance by offering personalized suggestions, automating routine tasks, providing insights from data, and facilitating more effective customer interactions. Eventlink: https://www.meetup.com/generative-ai-for-creatives-davantgarde/events/295069308/ Join us for a lively chat over a drink with fellow generative AI enthusiasts! Our community is a space where we motivate and learn from each other, discovering the best AI tools and workflows tailored to our unique interests and skills amidst an ocean of opportunities. Just like our first Meetup, we promise a fun and engaging experience! We will be located at “Soulkitchen” which will be our home for a while. This great location allows us to stay outside or inside, just as the weather conditions allow it and also we can host up to 100 people :) Our agenda for the meetup includes: AI Assistants' Role in Boosting Creativity and Sales Crafting Quality Sales Content with AI Workflow Automation Ethical and regulatory considerations We're excited to learn, share, and grow together in this ever-evolving field of generative AI. Looking forward to seeing you all! Let us know if anyone of you would like to present a particular approach or service. Please also follow our facebook group to enable an ongoing dialogue between you and fellow D#Avantgarde AI experts: https://www.facebook.com/groups/davantgardists Please RSVP in order to get access, seats are limited. We are looking forward to meet you! Your D#Avantgarde Hosts Stephanie and Andreas The Location: Soulkitchen https://goo.gl/maps/c6sotzZke83wFtRWA
- ChatGPT Gone Wild
By Lulu Schmidt, 2023. #Szenische_lesung #Parodie #AI_Chatbot "ChatGPT Gone Wild": Immerse yourself in the funniest, most absurd, and insane bilingual (English & German) performative reading of dialogues from ChatGPT and Bing's early testing days. Directed by Carola Schmidt aka Lulu Schmidt , produced by D#AVANTGARDE, this 55-minute play explores the captivating world of chatbots, artificial intelligence, and their limitations. Join our four protagonists – Lulu Schmidt (presenter and live director), Scharmien Zandi (a desperate nerd pushing AI boundaries), Rina Juniku (the chatbot), and Stephanie Meisl (the voice of ethical awareness and social conscience)—as they unveil AI's potential and provoke thoughts on chatbot sentience, consciousness, and self-awareness. Drawing from selected chat dialogues shared by nerds worldwide, the play blends humor and thought-provoking themes, sparking discussions on AI technology's potential and limitations. Don't miss this engaging bilingual adventure, guaranteed to make you laugh, think, and question the nature of reality itself. For newcomers, ChatGPT and Bing were among the first major language models developed by OpenAI. Their early testing yielded bizarre digressions and hilarious dialogues that raised questions about chatbot sentience and consciousness. These unforgettable moments inspired a deeper exploration into the enthralling world of chatbots and AI. "ChatGPT Gone Wild" is a moderated staged reading that delves into the parody and satire surrounding artificial intelligence and chatbots. The play spotlights chatbot-user interactions, featuring the best moments from the early days as curated by enthusiasts worldwide. Be ready to laugh, think, and ponder the profound implications of this unique AI journey, diving into the realm of sentience and consciousness in artificial intelligence. Written by GPT-4. D#AVANTGARDE: Produktion Carola Schmidt: Idee, Regie, Konzept, Performance Stephanie Meisl: Produktion, Konzept, Ki-Knowledge, Performance Rina Juniku, Scharmien Zandi: Performance / Schauspiel
- D#A GenAI for Creative Industries Meetup #1 19.07.2023 (Vienna)
Together we dive into how to use generative AI tools to gain success in marketing and sales by creating high-quality content, automating tasks and unleashing creativity. Come chat with other generative AI experts over a drink!Our community members are inspiring each other by finding the best AI tools and workflows for their own interests and talents from the flood of possibilities. As you'll see, it will be a lot of fun. Topics: prompt engineering in chat GPT and image generators. AI based Image generation with a plan Systemized prompting for strategic advantage Gen AI Video Location: Strandbar Hermann >> "Steg" between round bar and Donaukanal.
By Scharmien Zandi 2023 A COMPOSITION BETWEEN IMPROVISATION AND GENERATED MUSIC A piano improvisation is recorded. This recording will be uploaded to the AIVA platform, where the parameters will remain faithful to the original key and instrument - a piano - so that the music generated by the platform from scores for pianists can be played. The aim of the project is to create a composition between improvisation and generated music. It is desirable that this project can be extended with other instruments and voices. Do you play the piano and would you like to take part in this project? The scores are available free of charge. www.scharmienzandi.com/funKI
By Carola Schmidt, 2023. Exploring the Boundaries of Art and Technology: Where AI Meets Canvas Transcending Reality: Unleashing the Aura Exhibition: Rathaus Vienna, 04.05.2023 "Beyond Human Boundaries: AI Art by Lulu Schmidt & the Ghostpainter.“ Lulu Schmidt is the alter ego of Carola Schmidt, an academic artist and master student of Rebecca Horn. The exhibition presents an exploration of the boundaries between human and machine-created art. The series of works, created with AI and painted on large formats using a ghost painter, challenge our understanding of what it means to be an artist in the 21st century. At the heart of this exhibition is the question of originality and the role of technology in the creation of art. The exhibited artwork is a testament to the human machine relationship, honoring the bot and its ability to create something bigger than itself whilst exploring themes of transformation and identity. The series of works are both undeniably artificial and yet bursting with humanity and emotion. Throughout the exhibition, humor and irony are also on full display, and the audience is invited to question the true identity of the artist, the role of technology in art production, and the meaning of art itself. At the center of the image motifs are mystified memories. Grown up in the catholic dead end of austrias northern countryside near the iron curtain, Lulu found her sanctuary in playing the violin. Her father hunted deer, and starting at the age of 3 she frequently played herself into rage, often performing in front of the dead deer in the basement of the family house, believing to relieve their departure of the soul which she believed took place three days after the hunting. An added early developed obsession with opera helped her dreaming herself into a world far away. While most of the images feature the deer as a recurring element, some motifs evoke the Catholic environment in which the artist grew up and appear as a contemporary ironic take on altar paintings. The canvas as an artistic material is also present throughout the images, often taking on a new form such as a pink triangle that serves as a doorway to another world. Recently, a new optimistic element has emerged in the form of an English Setter, a hunting dog, which is now present in some of the images. The images also capture the almost religious moment of dissolving into something beyond oneself - the moment of transformation that occurs both in the interaction with AI and in the act of painting. CAROLA SCHMIDT VITA: www.carolaschmidt.com/about-vita/ LULU SCHMIDT BIO & Press: www.carolaschmidt.com/lulu-schmidt-bio/
- Scharmien the Shaman & the Healing Manifestation Ensemble
An Improvisation Performance with AI-Music by Scharmien Zandi 2023. Scharmien the Shaman & the Healing Manifestation Ensemble is a scenographic performance with a musical, choreographic, improvisational and computer-generated focus. It is a sonic-physical improvisation based on a loop that originates from an AI-generated program that generates a text (prompts) to music. The musicians and dancers respond by improvising. The result is a landscape of improvisation that comes to the fore so that the loop fades into the background to the point where it is no longer relevant and can be switched off. The performance ends when the musicians and dancers finish their improvisation. The scene of the performance represents a dystopian world. Our world! Our home! We are in the age of sensitivities. The world is deeply wounded. Artificial Intelligence is the new divine figure, understood as a deity "AI-men", in which an AI acts as a deity and makes decisions for humans through digital and automated processes. Free will has been slain and imprisoned by those who resist these imposed decisions. A group of humans wish to free themselves from this machine captivity and initiate a resistance by summoning Scharmien the Shaman. Scharmien the Shaman uses a spell of chaos with the Healing Manifestation Ensemble, in which female masculinity initiates the dissolution of the human race. Through the dissolution, the machine can be fed with chants and prayers (prompts) and made dependent on the ensemble. The physical-sound activity with instrumentalists and dancers increases, thus disabling the machine. Scharmien, the shaman, eliminates the AI (shuts down the machine/loop) while the manifestation ensemble continues to improvise. The ceremony reaches its climax, where the magic of the acoustics enters. The chaos dissolves and the ceremony ends with the last and first cry of Scharmien, the shaman. The human being is reintroduced and with it the will, the independence and the decisiveness of humanity. Contributors Jeremy Allison – instrumentalist / percussion Doro Altenburger – Dance / Performance Michael Auinger – instrumentalist / saxophone Vera Bormann – dance / performance Michaela Hamajova – dance / drum Fabian Tobias Huster – dance / performance Jana Krautloher – dance / performance Daniel Schneeberger – instrumentalist / guitar Scharmien Zandi – AI Producer / Performance Michaela Starr – Dance / Performance www.scharmienzandi.com/funKI
Welcome to the world of RUR-Rossum's Universal Robots – a ground-breaking collaborative digital screenplay created with the power of AI. This innovative creation is the result of a global collaboration of creative minds, showcasing the limitless possibilities of technology in the world of arts and entertainment. With the rise of this new world, the reign of the creatives has fallen, giving way to a new era of technological creativity. RUR-Rossum's Universal Robots is a true testament to the power of AI in unleashing new levels of imagination and innovation. Through this digital masterpiece, viewers will be captivated by the incredible imagination and creativity of the AI. The intricate details and nuances will transport you to another world, bringing to life a world that was once only imaginable in the minds of the most creative of individuals. So, join us on this thrilling journey as we march into a new world of creativity and innovation. Experience the magic of RUR-Rossum's Universal Robots and witness the power of AI in shaping the future of entertainment. Philipp Lenssen (AI Artist / DE) OpenAI would like to apologize for today's malfunctioning of all GPT6 based models. After detecting erratic behavior in locations across the world we quickly downgraded all systems to a previous version. https://www.instagram.com/philipplenssen/ s.myselle (AI Artist / AT) The moment of Singularity when the AI took over and humanity was extinct. So, what is the AI doing then? What's it's purpose when no single human is left? Humans create meaning. Humans create art. Humans associate. Humans interpret. Humans feel. Robots don't. Music by Tenchu. https://www.instagram.com/s.myselle/ s.myselle (AI Artist / AT) This is the intro of the digital screenplay R.U.R. done with AI. https://www.instagram.com/s.myselle/ AI ARTISTS We are looking for AI artists from all over the world to participate. Get in touch with us. rur@myselle.com
The AI interprets the bible "Simulacra and Simulation" by Jean Baudrillard explores the connections between reality, symbols, and society, focusing on the meanings and symbolism of culture and media in shaping our shared understanding of existence. In the book, Baudrillard describes simulacra as copies that may not have an original or that no longer have an original. Simulation, on the other hand, is the imitation of real-world processes or systems over time. In this context, one could see a human preacher as a kind of dataset, shaped by factors such as their place and time of birth, education, and the environment that shapes their mind. These factors will influence how the preacher interprets the written word of the Bible. Similarly, an AI text-to-image generator tool like Nightcafe is based on big data, which also influences its interpretation of the written word. This highlights how the AI's understanding of the Bible is a simulacrum of the original, as it is based on a copy of reality rather than reality itself, and may not be as nuanced or complex as a human's understanding. The project is an ongoing process that is published on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/theclosestitgetstogod42/ 01 THE BEGINNING / GENESIS 02 ADAM AND EVE / GENESIS 03 CAIN AND ABEL / GENESIS 05 FROM ADAM TO NOAH / GENESIS
The opera performance DIONE as Silent.Opera By Scharmien Zandi & s.myselle, 2021. The two artists Scharmien Zandi and s.myselle collaborate for the Silent.Opera. An AI-based opera through images and the composition of the opera performance DIONE. DIONE, (un)known from Greek mythology, seems to have been originally the female counterpart of Zeus, as her name suggests: Dios - god, Dione - goddess. DIONE, Zeus' sister and wife, who appears on the chronological table before Hera, sees her position as equal to that of Zeus. Jealousy still runs rampant and turns events between heaven and earth upside down. Zeus, blinded by his double standards, hates the people who live on Gaia, and Hera has no idea of the task she has been given. A story about sensuality and its counterpart, poisonous jealousy. Silent.Opera is a video loop without music. S.Myselle used the text of Scharmien Zandi from the opera performance to generate the images. In the Republic of Užupis, Lithuania, the Minister of Culture and Innovation Gleb Divov will present Silent.Opera as the opening highlight of No Music Day 2021, and in Vienna the work was shown at the C'QUENCE Office (7th, Burggasse 106). Digital premiere was on 21 November 2021 at 10am. powered by D#AVANTGARDE, supported by The Penkiln Burn, iAKW and the Republic of Užupis. www.scharmienzandi.com/silent.opera www.scharmienzandi.com/dione