Read the Report of the Event here.
We're pleased to announce our third Meetup! Our topic this time:
Sharing our Favorite AI Tools and Workflows.
Have you ever been curious about the tools and techniques that streamline a workflow? Or the little touches that elevate a creative project? Join us as we explore our community members' AI best practice tools and workflows that have been cherished and refined over time to constantly create reliable and tasty results, reminiscent of Grandma's secret kitchen.
The evening will begin with three impulse presentations:
First up, Philipp Lammer, Philosopher and Expert on Cybernetics, will share insights on Cybernetics and the origins of AI.
David Novakovic, Account Executive at IBMiX DACH, with a focus on Generative AI, gives a talk about “Understanding the Black Box”.
Artem Zelenskii, AIRA founder & AI-professional. With a multidisciplinary mindset and focus on prompt engineering and AI applications he will set the stage for our group sessions.
19:00 Open doors
19:30 (on time) Welcome and Presentations by experts from our community
20:20 Round tables: Sharing and discussing our favourite “AI recipes”
21:15 Chill out and connect
Be sure to bring your favourite AI recipe, this could be a prompt method, creative software tips or some of your favourite development kits. Join us for a thoughtful discussion over a drink with fellow generative AI enthusiasts. Our community is a place of shared learning and inspiration, where we discover the best AI tools and workflows tailored to our unique interests.
As with our previous sessions, we aim to create a comfortable and engaging environment for all attendees.
Please take note of the location change: From now on we'll be gathering at “Videostudio Wien”
The venue offers seating, drinks and an amazing studio atmosphere, ensuring everyone's comfort. We will have all kinds of fancy tech available there, just as creative AI people like it. With space for up to 60 attendees, we hope to see many familiar and new faces.
Adress: Videostudio Wien
Augasse 2-6UZA 1, 1. Stock1090 WienHow to find the location: http://www.video-studio-wien.com/anfahrt
!!! Please RSVP as seating is limited !!!
We look forward to another evening of shared knowledge and connection.
Warm regards, Your D#Avantgarde Hosts Stephanie and Andreas
Thanks to our amazing sponsor
Videostudio Wien https://video-studio-wien.at/
Event Location and Video.
In case you missed it: here is the report on our recent Meetup #2
We would like to encourage you to share your favorite tools and creations with our community on our channels:
As we continue to grow and evolve, we've made a thoughtful decision we'd like to share. This upcoming meetup will be the last of our sessions without admission. Starting from our next gathering, we'll introduce a nominal fee. This symbolic amount is not just about covering costs, but more about fostering genuine engagement and momentum within our community. Plus, it's a gentle nudge to ensure that if you RSVP, you'll join us in the fun and learning. 😉 We believe this will further enrich our gatherings, ensuring every seat is filled with an enthusiastic member eager to connect and share. Thank you for your understanding and continued support!